Her.Unlocked Podcast
Hey friend, I’m Brittany Heyboer, a Jesus loving mom of two littles, corporate climbing gal turned entrepreneur. I am a Success Coach that specializes in unlocking more capacity to live a purposeful life with workshops, consulting, group programs, and 1:1 coaching for high achieving women that are wanting to ditch the overwhelm and have more time, energy, and focus. I know you are trying to hold it all, carry it all, and I get it because that was me too. I was burnt out on all of it because I was living on autopilot doing the same thing day in and day out. Then I became obsessed with doing the inner work to unlock the potential inside myself and now helping others do the same. I am empowering ambitious women, like you, to get clear, confident, and courageous so you can step into their unique gifts and unlock a life that lights them up. This is the Her.Unlocked Podcast a show for the high achieving women to plug into each week to be inspired, challenged, and equipped to grow and live life on purpose in your purpose. If you are ready to shatter the glass ceiling that’s been holding you back and step into a life, career, and business (if you are building a business) that lights you up with more clarity, confidence and courage, you’ve come to the right place. You will leave each episode empowered to take aligned action and cultivate that unwavering trust in yourself and the process. Because friend you are meant to live a fulfilled life and I am on fire to support you along the way! Pop in those headphones, find that drink you filled up hours ago, and join me in a weekly episode with your personal growth bestie that will light you up, challenge you to grow, and infuse more joy into your life. Let’s Unlock Her, together. Connect with Me: Instagram @brittanyheyboer LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/comm/mynetwork/discovery-see-all?usecase=PEOPLE_FOLLOWS&followMember=brittany-heyboer-1b92b016 Email: Brittany@unlockherco.com
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
If you decided to go after your dreams what would that look like for you?
Kayla comes onto the podcast today in a special series called Becoming Her where Brittany will bring on a guest to come on and talk about how she is who is designing and stepping into a life that lights her up.
The women in these episodes are on fire for taking care of their mind, body, and spirit. They will talk about their stories, how they are showing up in their lives, how she has faced challenges, and leave you with something powerful to think about.
Kayla is a business owner of a private pilates studio where she takes in person clients as well as her app that is accessible to anyone, anywhere who wants to access pilates in their lifestyle.
Kayla and Brittany chat about taking the leap to start her business, how she is taking care of her mind, body, and spirit as a business owner, making mindset changes, challenges in motherhood, being authentic on social media, finding contentment in where you are now instead of always being in the grind or “hustle culture,” and more!
Powerful Point to Ponder
What are you doing today that is something just for you?
Tell Kayla and Brittany in their DMs they want to hear from you and celebrate you taking action!
Things mentioned…
Organization from pw.planners
Kayla’s Pilates on Demand App
Kayla on YouTube
5 Pilates Moves to a Stronger Core Freebie
Free 10 Day Core + Ab Challenge
Kayla on Instagram @pilatesbodybykayla @pilatesbodyondemand
Brittany on Instagram @brittanyheyboer
Unlock Her Power Coaching
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
In this episode, Brittany will explore the transformative power of gratitude. In this episode, she will dive into the concept of how gratitude can help us turn a burden into a blessing, by recognizing, acknowledging, and savoring the feeling of gratitude.
We all have moments in our lives where we feel burdened by something - whether it's a difficult situation, a challenging relationship, or a stressful job. By cultivating a sense of gratitude for the lessons these challenges teach us, we can begin to transform them into opportunities for growth, learning, and personal development.
In this episode, you will hear Brittany’s personal stories as she processed and experienced the power of gratitude in her own life. We will explore the science behind the practice of gratitude, and learn practical tips for incorporating gratitude into your daily life.
So join us on this journey of discovering how we can turn burdens into blessings through the power of gratitude. Let's learn to appreciate and savor every moment, no matter how challenging it may seem, and see the beauty and opportunity that lies within it.
4 Tips to Start Your Gratitude Practice
Take notice of your feelings throughout the day.
Find gratitude for the good and the challenging.
Let someone know you are grateful for them and why.
Keep a gratitude journal.
Gratitude Prompts and Questions (14:55)
3 Key Questions Today:
Where are you facing something challenging in your life right now?
What is one thing you can be grateful for in this situation that you are facing?
How do you feel after writing this one thing down?
Gratitude Freebie
Brittany on Instagram
Unlock Her Program
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Reflect on this… do you have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset?
Well that question is kind of skewed because its not one or the other.
This episode will help you uncover where you may be held back by a fixed mindset and be open and intention to do the intentional work to close the gap to lean towards a growth mindset.
When you have a growth mindset about your life you can attract anything you desire.
What are the steps to take when wanting to change your mixed mindset into a growth mindset? Brittany gives 3 steps in this podcast episode to help you flip the script that has been on repeat for you and how to change it into something that will better serve you to live this one life well.
Tips for growth mindset:
Becomes self aware with curiosity.
Flip the thoughts you have been telling yourself.
Choose to fail forward.
Questions to Reflect on:
Where in your life do you have a fixed mindset?
How can you flip those thoughts to a growth mindset?
What is that one intentional action you can take to fail forward in one of these areas?
Brittany on Instagram
Unlock Her Program
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
“Intentions are the foundation of what you build your habits on.”
If you struggle with making changes in your life that stick lets try looking at what intentions you set for the year and then making habits that stick based on your season of life, but we are going to dive even deeper by talking about how mindset work is pivotal for becoming that next level version of yourself.
Your mindset matters because it has an impact on the action steps you will take to change your life.
4 Tips for improving your mindset so your habits and intentions become lifestyle changes.
Check in on your mindset. Why is it you want to set this habit? Are you doing it out of fear or love for yourself? This is important because your WHY matters and if you are setting goals, intentions, or expectations based on expectations, shoulds, or shame those will not be ones that will feel exciting for you to follow through on. Referenced Episode 3
Get honest and realistic with yourself on what you can hold in this season. There are going to be some seasons where you can hold more and other seasons where you need to simplify and don’t have extra capacity and that is ok.
Give yourself permission to start small. Focusing on micro habits towards a macro habit is an effective way to make habits stick. If you want habits to change this may be the best strategy for you to start with. We usually go about changing all of our routines all at once, but instead focus on one small habit you can start to implement and then improve.
Take a test and learn mentality - try it out and see it if works for you! Not all habits will be helpful for you.
Have you wanted to start waking up early, but called yourself “not a morning person.” Brittany shares how she started with micro habits to start waking up before her kids and then shares how she now has a full morning routine while realistically giving herself grace some days.
Three powerful questions to journal on in regards to habits:
What are the habits you are intentionally wanting to bring into your life right now?
Why do you want to bring these habits into your life?
What is one micro habit you are willing to implement, test, and learn from?
Brittany on Instagram
Unlock Her Program
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
What if you set goals or resolutions for the year that helped you design a life based on how you wanted to feel throughout this year versus how you want to feel at the end of the year?
Did you set goals or resolutions for the new year? BUT did you even pause to think if these goals were intentionally aligned for you… or was it something you just set for yourself, AGAIN, to try to achieve.
Brittany walks you through how to craft your intentions for this year so that they match what matters to you. So many set mindless resolutions and fall off even weeks into the new year, no shame here, because it's ok to change your mind and pivot, especially when it is no longer in line with how you want to show up in your life.
Pivoting does not mean you failed, it means you are aligning and acknowledging what no longer serves you.
Brittany gives 7 tips to help you align intentionally with who you are and how you want to feel this year so that you truly live out the life that is going to feel the best for you in this season.
Challenge: Pause and check in with yourself.
What is your why for wanting to live intentionally this year?
How do you want to live intentionally based on this why?
What are you willing to commit to as you walk through your intentions for this year?
Unlock Her Program
Brittany on Instagram
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Has it felt hard to make friends?
Has fostering deeper friendships gone on the backburner because it seems like too much in this season of life?
Friendships and fostering deep meaningful relationships is so important, even for introverts, and this episode Brittany is going to share with you why being vulnerable and investing time in meaningful friendships will enhance your life and bring you more joy! We are not meant to do life alone without community and connection, but if you don’t know how to make, foster, and flourish friendships, this episode will be so helpful!
Challenge for you today!
Take inventory on the friendships in your life. Get honest with yourself!
What friendship are you currently investing your time in? And if you aren’t investing in any - why aren’t you investing in them?
Are these friendships surface level or deep connections?
Who is one person you can reach out to connect with them on a friend date?
Connect with Brittany on Instagram
Unlock Her Program
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Hey friend, How are things going?
When someone asks you that question, is the answer always “busy?”
But today lets unpack that question and see if your busyness is aligned with what matters most in your life. And yes, that includes time for yourself too! Busyness doesn’t leave time or margin for what matters most. Busy is not a badge of honor. As a working mom there is a lot to take care of and we can easily get swept up in the day to day tasks.
If you want a life that feels more joyful, peaceful, and purposeful instead of being wrapped up in busy today’s episode is going to help you get more intentional with your time so your life feels full with the most important things.
If you have used the excuse of not having enough time enjoy today’s episode and open up to a way of thinking that will impact how and what you spend your time doing so that you can feel that excitement and purpose in each day.
Questions to reflect on from today’s episode:
Where you are spending your time?
Where do you want to spend your time?
What is one inspired action you are going to take to start to be more intentional with your time?
Connect with Brittany on Instagram
Unlock Her Program
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Your thoughts impact your feelings and your actions. We can use our thoughts in a productive way instead of holding ourselves back.
This episode Brittany talks about the mindset work that changes your life and beats the barriers that hold you back from pursuing the things you really want to do, your desires. Our thoughts impact our beliefs and our action (or inaction).
When you uncover limiting beliefs that are holding you back, see how they are not serving you, and then change that thought to a more empowering one you will take the action to transform your life. Brittany gives the example of how “I don’t have enough time” was the mind drama that held her back from improving her health and going after her goals. Do you think this too about time? Money? Or anything else?
The goal is not to get rid of negative thoughts and mind drama. This will be something that will always be there and come up in different situations, the goal is to take those thoughts that are not serving you and turn them into a productive way of thinking that empowers you instead of defeats you.
Listen to this episode to learn the steps to take your limiting thoughts into empowering ones.
Connect with Brittany on Instagram
Unlock Her Program
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
If you feel like something is holding you back from the life that you deeply desire this podcast episode is for you! It is important to define and go for your goals, but not at the expense of your priorities, what matters to you, the things that bring you joy, and we do not do burnout and hustle over here!
There is a new way to work for your goals and it is not hustling or sacrificing everything just to get to your destination, but to enjoy the journey with fun, hard work, progress, joy, and designated time for rest.
On this podcast you will learn how to use mind, body, and spirit work to fully transform your life! But if you are wondering what is mind, body, and spirit work?
What are your core values? What do you want to be known for?
What is that one habit you can start today to treat your body well?
What area of your life do you need more self awareness around and what stories don’t serve you?
Unlock Her Program
Connect with Brittany on Instagram
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Brittany starts off sharing more about her story! About a time where it looked like she had “everything” and it was all together, but this desire for more was tugging at her heart.
What words would you use to describe your life right now? Or how do you desire your life to feel? Grateful, purposeful, grounded, connected, intentional, peaceful, authentic, fearless, present, do any of these words hit your heart? I know many of us are looking for more in life and we just don’t know how to unlock that next level version of ourselves.
With Brittany sharing her story we hope that you can connect with how she felt and take some tips to move forward and identify what it is you desire in your life.
By starting with taking her health as a priority using the FASTer Way to Fat Loss it was the spark that ignited a huge change in her life over the last year. This led to starting her coaching business Unlock Her Co. mentoring women to do mind, body, and spirit work for a full life transformation.
Its time to check in with yourself and the direction you are headed? Here are 3 thought provoking questions to ask yourself.
How do you want to feel?
What's the gap of how you currently feel from where you are now to how you desire to feel?
What is one thing you can take action on today to move towards that desired feeling?
Unlock Her Program
Connect with Brittany on Instagram
FASTer Way to Fat Loss